by David Braddock | Aug 31, 2017 | Balancing Family, Custody & Parenting Time, Family Law, Podcast
Some things don’t change even after a divorce, including the fact that your children will still want and need both parents in their lives. This episode of the podcast discusses how to promote fairness and flexibility in a parenting time schedule that considers...
by David Braddock | Aug 28, 2017 | Family Law, Managing & Coping During Divorce, Podcast
If you find yourself in the position of needing to hire an attorney, especially for something as personal as a family law matter, you want to make sure that you’re hiring a good attorney—but how can you tell? This episode discusses the three basic questions to...
by David Braddock | Aug 24, 2017 | Dissolution, Family Law, Podcast, Property
Having to divide up property and possessions is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of divorce. But unlike your favorite country music song may have you believe, your spouse doesn’t get to take everything. In this podcast episode, an attorney...
by David Braddock | Aug 17, 2017 | Balancing Family, Dissolution, Family Law, Podcast
Grief is a natural part of divorce, not only for the divorcing couple but for their entire family. This episode of the podcast discusses the various stages of grief as well as the process of reaching acceptance and moving on to a new, and hopefully better, life after...
by David Braddock | Aug 8, 2017 | Dissolution, Family Law, Managing & Coping During Divorce, Podcast
Few things are as daunting as receiving, or having to serve, a summons and petition for divorce. Most people are unsure of the ground rules for dealing with a summons and petition. In this episode of the podcast, an attorney explains the guidelines for parties,...
by David Braddock | Aug 8, 2017 | Balancing Family, Dissolution, Family Law, Podcast
Dealing with beloved family pets can be unexpectedly challenging in divorce, especially when both spouses are attached to an animal. This episode of the podcast will try to dispel some misconceptions and shed some light on how courts tend to address the issue of pets...