55 Ending Spousal Support for Baby Boomers

Spousal support used to be a common part of divorces that was originally intended to protect and provide for spouses who had forgone developing their own career to stay at home and care for the family and household. As we have culturally shifted more towards double...

54 Self Care Throughout Your Divorce

Divorce is one of the hardest life events a person can live through. It is the death of a relationship, a home, a future, and many dreams. Self-Care is a popular topic nowadays but it is truly necessary during a divorce. After years of helping folks through divorce,...

53 What is an Unfit Parent?

This episode of the podcast discusses MN Statute 518.17, which addresses that each parent is recognized by Minnesota law to be presumed as fit to parent their children. Being an “unfit parent” in unfortunately a common accusation during divorces or custody...

52 Estate Planning for Empty Nesters

Folks who are living in an “Empty Nest,” are in a somewhat unique situation in regard to their estate, now that their adult children have moved away from their family’s home.  In this podcast episode, family and estate law attorney, Amy Rotering, goes over a number of...

51 Modification of Custody or Parenting Time

As every parent knows, life happens, your children grow, and their needs and schedules change. Making changes to the legal specifics of a Custody or Parenting Time order can sometimes be necessary, despite the hassle. In this podcast episode attorney, Susan Mundahl,...